The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Which Saddles Pinkbike’s Editors Put on Their Own Bikes


by Matt Beer

We review a lot of kit here at Pinkbike. In fact, sometimes it can feel like a constant merry-go-round of helmets, gloves, tires, or if we’re extra lucky the latest bikes. It often transpires that we spend little time on the things we actually like most and more time trying to understand why things don’t fit, work or feel as good as the manufacturer insists they should.

Pinkbike tech editors spend a lot of time on their ass. It’s fair to say that most of our job requires sitting at a desk or pedalling a bike. Touch points on a bicycle are sensitive areas that can be as particular to the bike as they are to the individual riding them, but there’s no arguing that pedaling mountain bikes uphill has undoubtedly become more comfortable in recent years due to steeper seat angles and deeper research into ergonomic saddle designs.

Whether you’re an enduro newbie or a well-seasoned XC veteran, a few minutes in the saddle will let you know if your body agrees with the makeshift chair you’re sitting on.

Image courtesy of Specialized

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