Overview of Metro’s Proposed Fiscal Year 22-23 Budget

From LA.streetsblog.org

Metro is flush with sales tax and stimulus, but holding to inadequate transit spending, while increasing highway construction

This month, the Metro board is expected to approve the agency’s budget for Fiscal Year 2022-23 which starts July 1. Staff have a proposed an annual budget totaling $8.8 billion, up nine percent from FY21-22’s $8.04 billion total. The board vote on the budget is a high-stakes affair, with on-the-fly changes being very rare, and boardmembers generally approving the parameters recommended by staff.

Metro is currently asking for public feedback on its proposed budget. Concerned parties can use Metro’s budget input webpage, email budgetcomments[at]metro.net, or give oral public comment at the Metro FY23 Budget Public Hearing (concurrent with the Metro board Finance and Audit Committee meeting) on May 18, starting at 1:30 p.m. Find meeting information at Metro event page.

Readers seeking budget details can look to Metro’s glossy 11-page FY23 Budget Summary and the 87-page FY23 Proposed Budget, which includes spreadsheets for all of Metro’s programs.

This post features an overview of the proposed FY23 budget, and a recap of earlier SBLA criticism of Metro’s plan to increase freeway expansion capital spending, while decreasing transit expansion capital spending. Streetsblog intends to post further budget analysis this week.

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