Opinion: These are the streets that readers want closed to cars

From LATimes.com


It’s only a small stretch of quiet road, but in Los Angeles — where nearly 300 people were killed in traffic last year, and where neighborhoods were designed to maximize automotive throughput — the permanent closure of Griffith Park Drive to car traffic represents a welcome new way of thinking about streets. Our streets, after all, are public spaces, and repurposing them according to their safest and best use by people is an undertaking that should be brought to all parts of Los Angeles.

In that spirit, the Times Editorial Board asked readers where they’d like to see other car-free streets. The suggestions cover many parts of Los Angeles and mostly call for reworking streets that already see a lot of pedestrian and cyclist use, where driving is already inconvenient or slow. A few readers, however, want L.A. to go really bold and close off long arterials to motorists.

As a cyclist and sidewalk wanderer myself, I’d say all of these ideas are worth considering (though many motorists would probably disagree). At the very least, the suggestions show plenty of us want safer, more complete streets.

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