Local Group Spearheads Plan To Turn Arroyo Seco Parkway Into Cyclists’ and Walkers’ Haven For Takeover Event

From PasadenaNow.com


Picture the Arroyo Seco Parkway devoid of zooming cars, and instead filled with hordes of cyclists and pedestrians for a few hours.

It might sound like a radical concept, but it’s one that’s been realized before, and a local organization is planning to bring it back later this year.

Back in 2003, Professor Robert Gottlieb of Occidental College took the initiative to organize the inaugural ArroyoFest.

For the event, the Pasadena freeway was temporarily closed to cars, allowing pedestrians and cyclists to take over the major thoroughfare that links Pasadena and Downtown L.A, The Eastsider reported.

Fast forward to the present day, and the non-profit organization ActiveSGV is working to organize the second iteration of ArroyoFest, which will take place this October – provided they obtain the necessary permits.

“This would be the first since the original event in 2003,” said Special Programs Director with ActiveSGV, Wesley Reutimann said.


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