‘Cycling is my meditation.’ For the CEO of this health care startup, bike rides bring mental clarity

From Fortune.com

In our CEO wellness series, we ask executives about their day-to-day habits to gain insight into the tactics they use to minimize stress and maintain their well-being.

Adrian Aoun is founder and CEO of Forward, a startup aiming to be the first health care system to deliver high-quality health care to a billion people for free. Before founding Forward, Aoun was head of special projects for Larry Page at Google/Alphabet, where he founded one of the Alphabet companies, Sidewalk Labs.

Coffee or tea? And what do you put in it?
I’ve never been a big coffee guy, but a cup of tea every now and then is nice. Truthfully, I’m mostly just consuming industrial quantities of water constantly. The colder, the better.

What is your go-to breakfast?
If I’ve been cycling, a big morning glass of orange juice post-workout is a must. I usually skip breakfast unless I’m meeting friends on the weekend. If I do find myself somewhere for breakfast, I’m usually looking for whatever their closest equivalent is to a “grand slam,” if I’m going to do it, might as well do it right!

Tell us about your workout routine.
I work out almost every day. Occasionally it’s going for a run, but most often it’s cycling. I live in San Francisco, near the Golden Gate Bridge, so most days I bike up north into Marin and through the mountains.

How many hours do you sleep on a typical night?
The Slacks usually stop coming by 10 p.m. or so, and I’m up around 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. It often takes me a while to fall asleep, so I sometimes need to delve through Reddit or tech news on my phone to help calm down my brain and help me fall asleep.

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