5 things I wish had known before getting my first road bike

From TomsGuide.com


Here are five things to consider before buying your first road bike

Road bikes are pretty awesome — designed with lightweight frames, narrow tires, and aerodynamic features, they allow you to achieve higher speeds with less effort compared to other types of bikes. If you love indoor cycling on one of the best exercise bikes but you also like to adventure then it’s highly likely you’ll enjoy the freedom of riding a road bike.

From the nuances of bike sizing to the intricacies of maintenance, there are a few things I wish I had known before buying my first road bike. Thankfully, it’s been two years now since I switched over from a mountain bike to a road bike and although I’m still learning new things about road bikes and road cycling I’ve picked up some valuable tips along the way.

Here are five things I wish someone had briefed me on before buying my first road bike.


Getting a bike with the right frame size is paramount when buying a road bike, or any bike for that matter. While various components of a bike can be adjusted for a better fit you can still end up sitting uncomfortably on a bike if you begin with the wrong frame size. Road bikes aren’t overly cheap so you want to make sure you are investing in something that fits you right and that you can comfortably ride for many years to come.

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