The best electric bikes in 2023 for every type of rider


By Rebecca Bellan

Commuter, mountain lover, delivery worker? There’s an e-bike for you.

With summer well underway and a federal e-bike incentiveback on the Congress floor, it’s time to start thinking about electric bikes — and what might be the best one for you and your lifestyle.

We’ve rounded up the best e-bikes for your specific needs, whether you’re commuting to work and need to keep your cool, toting around children, delivering pizzas or traversing mountains. How did we make our picks? Our recommendations are based on a combination of our own experience on the bikes, industry research and talking with experts and our readers about what they love to ride.

Our guide is broken up into several categories, starting with the diverse array of cargo bikes. From there we provide recommendations for commuters, seniors, folks looking to scale mountains, people living in small spaces and those who are on a budget.

Best cargo e-bikes

Electric cargo bikes are taking off as people look for ways to carry kids, gear and groceries. At the same time, the rise in e-commerce and fast delivery has led to an uptick in urban couriers delivering everything from pizzas and groceries to headphones and alcohol.

There are two main types of e-cargo bikes: front loaders and rear loaders. Each has its own strengths. Front loaders, for example, are often better if you’re carrying small children or large, bulky items. However, some people might be initially put off by the larger turning circle and the size — they are much longer and require more storage space.

Rear loaders feel more like a normal bike and allow you to stack cargo behind you. When it comes to transporting kids, rear loaders are better for older children who can be trusted to keep their seats.

We’ll break down some of the best cargo bikes we’ve found for different demographics.

Image courtesy of Trek

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