The Arroyo Link



The Arroyo Seco is the “jewel in the Crown City’s park system,” yet it’s difficult to access without a car.

The building of the 134, 210, and 710 freeways carved up and partially erased the path — and along with it, mini-parks and historical sites — that Pasadenans once traversed to get to the Arroyo.

The Arroyo Link proposes to uncover and rejuvenate that 1.5-mile path so that we can fully access and enjoy the nature and recreation offered in the Arroyo and beyond, along the regional L.A. River corridor to downtown L.A and Long Beach.

We’re in a time of re-examining our community roots, history, and values as they’ve evolved over the past 140+ years. The Link follows a route of culturally and historically significant sites like Carmelita Gardens, where a nexus of artists and thinkers inspired the young John Muir’s early ideas about nature conservation. As it crosses the 710 Freeway stub, the Link will offer an opportunity to mark the communities displaced by freeways in the name of progress.

The Arroyo Link project is small, but it has it all!

It’s the missing link in our mobility between city and nature, and between our backyard and our region; it looks back our rich history of ideas and ideals while laying a path toward a vision of a healthy, sustainable future.

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