Work on $25 Million Imperial Avenue Bikeway Officially Begins with Groundbreaking


Local leaders and bike advocates on Thursday morning celebrated the groundbreaking for the Imperial Avenue Bikeway.

“Many people use Imperial Avenue for everyday transportation, and giving them a more convenient travel option is going to positively transform their connections across the region,” said SANDAG and San Diego County Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Nora Vargas.

The 3.5-mile bikeway project will help create safer streets for people who walk, bike, drive and take transit, said officials from the San Diego Association of Governments – the regional agency widely known as SANDAG –in a news release.

The bikeway will feature separated and buffered bike lanes, high-visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, shared lane markings and other street improvements to allow for greater connectivity for all road users.

Photo by Sean Mullowney on Unsplash

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