
CalBike’s Best and Worst of 2024


This was a year of ups and downs, of big wins for safer streets and big setbacks for funding to build safer streets. Like almost every year, 2024 was a time of contradictions and mixed messages for bicycle advocates in California and beyond. So it’s time to celebrate the good and make fun of the bad. Here’s CalBike’s rundown of the best and worst of 2024.

Best evidence that persistence pays off: SB 960, the Complete Streets Law

Three bills. Eight years of campaigning. And, in 2024 — Complete Streets success! We applaud Senator Scott Wiener for standing behind and reintroducing his legislation to require Caltrans to build infrastructure for people walking, biking, and taking transit on state-controlled roadways. CalBike stuck with it, too, tirelessly campaigning for Caltrans to live up to its own policies around Complete Streets.

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Complete Streets Are Safe Streets


CalBike is a co-sponsor of the Complete Streets Bill of 2024, SB 960, authored by Senator Scott Wiener. The bill requires Caltrans to set objective goals and “to prioritize the implementation of comfortable, convenient, and connected facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users on all projects in the [SHOPP funding] program, where applicable.”

Complete Streets are streets that are safe and comfortable for people biking, walking, and taking transit, as well as driving motor vehicles. Protected bikeways, a key element of many Complete Streets, have been shown to reduce fatalities and injuries for road users in all modes of transportation.

People who get around by biking, walking, or taking transit have the same right to safe passage on our streets as people driving cars. True Complete Streets provide that equitable use of our public space regardless of transit mode, economic status, or race.

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CalBike Announces 2024 Legislative Agenda



The California legislative session is shaping up to be a busy one, with a large number of new bills affecting active transportation plus a few two-year bills introduced last year and still moving through. We will also continue to advocate for more funding for active transportation in the budget process.

Here are the bills CalBike is supporting, opposing, and keeping an eye on in 2024.

Must-pass bills

If you were following CalBike’s work in 2019, you might remember the Complete Streets Bill. We won a hard-fought victory that year, passing the bill in the legislature, only to see it vetoed by the governor. Complete Streets is back for 2024 and at the top of our list of four top-priority bills.

2024 Complete Streets Bill

SB 960, authored by Senator Scott Wiener, would require Caltrans to implement safe infrastructure for people bicycling and walking when it repaves a state route that serves as a local street. The new version strengthens the measure by adding the needs of transit to the mix, paving the way for more bus-only state highway lanes, as well as transit improvements on local streets. We must show the governor he was wrong to trust Caltrans to implement its own policies since the 2019 veto, and we need to hold Caltrans accountable to make roads safer for all. We hope you’ll join our Complete Streets Campaign.

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CalBike Joins Panel on E-Bike Incentives at Micromobility Conference


In October, Micromobility America brought a two-day conference and trade show of alternative transportation to Richmond, California. Exhibitors included manufacturers of a range of e-bikes and scooters, app developers, and even representatives from the U.S. Department of Transportation. CalBike participated in one of the many panel discussions, and you can view the recording below.

Our panel was titled How Cities Can Incentivize Electric Bikes and was expertly moderated by Colin Hughes. The panelists were:

  • Ed Clancy from Pedal Ahead, which is administering the statewide E-Bike Incentive Program
  • Heather House, a manager at the Rocky Mountain Institute, which has developed a tool for cities to measure the impact of e-bikes on reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Kerby Olson, new mobility supervisor at OakDOT, which is preparing to introduce a local e-bike program
  • Brett Wiley, senior program associate at East Bay Community Energy (since renamed Ava Community Energy, providing green energy in the San Joaquin Valley as well as the East Bay), which is planning an ambitious e-bike incentive program for its customers
  • Laura McCamy, communication specialist and e-bike advocate for CalBike.

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CalBike Announces 2024 California Bicycle Summit, Advance Sessions



CalBike will hold its next biennial California Bicycle Summit in San Diego on April 18 to 19, 2024. The Summit is an inspiring gathering of advocates, planners, transportation agency staffers, and elected officials who care about creating a more bikeable, walkable California. Sessions will include presentations and workshops from some of the most influential thought leaders in active transportation and transportation justice, leading discussions on how we transition to a more just, sustainable transportation system. And no Summit would be complete without bike tours, networking opportunities, movie screenings, and more.

A crossroads for climate and livability

This is a crucial time for the active transportation movement. As the pace of climate change accelerates and damage from severe weather accumulates, our window to decarbonize our transportation system shrinks. Our Summit theme for 2024 is Crossroads, because our state and our society stand at a crossroads.

We can choose the path of adaptation and mitigation, or keep building freeways as the planet heats. We can walk toward more just and sustainable systems for bringing safety to our streets, or we can continue down the path that leaves many Californians unsafe when they bike and walk. As we gather together at the Summit, we’ll strategize how to move California toward a more equitable and sustainable future.

We hope you’ll join us in San Diego to help shape the future of a movement that is crucial to our future. Register by December 15 to secure your tickets at our early-bird price.

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