Stay cycling fit over 60 — all the tips you need to enjoy riding into your 60s and beyond



You might have seen our recent article on how to boost your fitness when aged over 50, but then asked, “what about us cyclists who’ve had a few more birthdays?” One of those people was no other than founder Tony Farrelly, who at the age of 61 has set himself a goal to improve his fitness in 2024.

To help Tony out and defog the mysterious world of fitness as you age, we’ve drafted in the help of Jason Streather of PDQ Cycle Coaching(link is external). Jason works with plenty of aged 60+ athletes, and even coaches cyclists in their 80s who are still racing.

Don’t worry though! We realise that not everyone wants to race or even be fast. Tony, for example, is now far less interested in his wattage output and simply cycles because that’s what he loves doing, and finds it a good way of keeping fit. In this feature and video (at the top if you prefer to watch), we’ll cover changing motivations as you get older, how you might want to modify your training, plus tips and advice on how to avoid injury.

Why is cycling good for over 60s?

Other than the fact that most sports are good for you no matter your age, Streather explained to us that cycling is particularly attractive because of its low-impact nature.

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