South Pasadena Bike Lanes on Grand Are Here to Stay


By Chris Greenspon

South Pasadena’s City Council voted Wednesday night to retain 0.6 miles of bike lanes on Grand Avenue that were previously slated for removal. The vote passed 3-2, with councilmembers Primuth, Cacciotti, and Zneimer in support of keeping the lanes, and councilmembers Donovan and Braun against.

This project previously took a lot of scorn from residents opposing it in March, who at the time greatly outnumbered supporters. Their biggest grievances were that it had weak outreach, that it “uglified” the neighborhood and made driving more difficult with delineators and bulbouts, and encouraged “entitled” behavior from cyclists and joggers (using the bike lane for its intended purpose).

Back then, the council killed the project unanimously, with the caveat that a short uphill bike lane on Hermosa Street would be kept. So how did the Grand bike lanes come back up on the dais?

Agenda item 16 for this week’s meeting was a recommendation that council provide direction on maintaining or removing bike lanes in the project (including Hermosa).

Photo by Dário Gomes on Unsplash

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