Pedestrians, cyclists head down the Coastal Rail Trail in Santa Cruz



The Coastal Rail Trail is part of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network Master Plan, which 20 years ago envisioned a continuous and separated bicycle/pedestrian path spanning the 32-mile length of the Santa Cruz County coast.

There are 20 Coastal Rail Trail segments altogether that are planned and managed by the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission. Coastal Rail Trail Segments 7 and 8 and part of Segment 9 run through the city of Santa Cruz and Segment 5, also known as the North Coast Rail Trail, runs from Wilder Ranch State Park to Davenport. Segment 7 Phase I is a paved multi-use trail that runs 1.2 miles from Natural Bridges Drive to Bay/California streets and is 12-16 feet wide. It includes 10 green cross bikes from Natural Bridges Drive to Bay/California streets — these are roadway crossings that allow cyclists to remain mounted and ride through the intersections with high visibility.

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