Hit the road with the best bike panniers and handlebar bags

From TheGuardian.com


How many ways have you tried to carry things on a bike? If hooking bags on the handlebars is your go-to, or you’ve attempted to fashion some sort of bungee-cord contraption, it may be time to rethink your strategy.

I once cycled five miles with a vacuum cleaner in a pannier during a house move – so I’m as guilty as anyone for improvising. But as someone who’s been writing about cycling for more than a decade, and pedalling around London and farther afield in all weathers for even longer, I really should – and now do – know better.

Rucksacks work for light loads and short trips, but your body will thank you for investing in something that attaches to your bike if you’re carrying more for longer.

Image courtesy of Brompton 


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