Healthy Streets LA is on the 2024 Ballot!

What is the Healthy Streets LA ballot measure?

The ballot measure will require the City of Los Angeles to implement its Mobility Plan 2035 whenever the City repaves or otherwise works on a street. Doing so will save money, reduce traffic, make the streets safer, and give people more options to get around town, helping to clean our air. You can read the full text of the measure here. Here is a Google Slides Overview.

Why is the measure needed?

Since the passage of the Mobility Plan in 2015, Los Angeles has only implemented 95 miles out of 3,137 miles planned (about 3% in 7 years). Our city is ignoring its own plan, and even worse, sometimes working against it. A legal mandate is needed to get the city to do what they have already said they want to do, and to give us, its residents, cleaner air, safer streets, less traffic, and options on how we get around town.

If it passed, what changes would I see in the city?

The change would be dramatic. You would see a city that is inviting to walk in, safer to bike in, faster to take the bus in, and easier to get around, all while saving lives, reducing traffic, and improving air quality.

What needs to happen to get the measure on the ballot?

We need to collect approximately 93,000 signatures from registered voters in the City of Los Angeles in 100 days, starting around mid February. While that may sound like a lot, it’s doable! Our goal is to have 250 volunteers collecting signatures for about four hours per week.


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