Taking Stock of Protected Bikeways 10 Years Later

From CalBike.org


Before the Protected Bikeways Act

Before our bill was signed into law, Caltrans design standards didn’t allow bike lanes separated by bollards, curbs, planters, or other barriers, even though other states were implementing protected bike lanes and NACTO had issued design guidance.

Class I bikeways are physically separated from traffic, but these are off-street paths. While Class I bikeways are low-stress and appealing to many riders, they can be hard to construct due to high costs and space limitations.

Class IV bikeways, on the other hand, can be added during roadway repaving projects and don’t require the acquisition of off-road rights of way, though there may still be issues with repurposing road space from driving or parking to active transportation. California had a few of these separated lanes before this law was passed. But local governments, concerned about liability if they built infrastructure not sanctioned by Caltrans, were still mostly adding Class II bikeways, which are delineated by paint only.

Photo by Jasper Garratt on Unsplash

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Born Out of Frustration: See How Liv Cycling Became the Leader in Women’s Bikes

From GearJunkie.com

Written by Seiji Ishii

Watch the story of how Bonnie Tu formed Liv Cycling after a frustrating ride around Taiwan with the founder of Giant Bicycles.

When Bonnie Tu stirred the leaders of the largest bike manufacturer in the world to start a women-only brand, males dominated cycling as a sport and industry. It was decades before there was a Tour De France Femmes. And women most often made do with smaller versions of men’s bikes and cycling gear.

Not only was cycling and manufacturing male-dominated, but her Taiwanese culture also placed males at the top of the value chain. In this video, Tu, an only child, states, “My grandma always asked my father to get a second wife in order to bear him a son.”

Image courtesy of Liv Cycling

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Why Your Next Bike Might NOT Be Made Of Carbon

Are alloy bikes making a comeback? Will pro riders start choosing metal bikes over carbon ones? Alex & Ollie dive right into whether alloy or carbon fibre bikes are the future! They also cover a new aluminium bike from Orbea, limited edition SunGod sunglasses, an outrageous custom-painted bike, plus the bike vault and comments of the week!

The anti-spandex social club: In praise of slow biking

From MomentumMag.com

Written by:
In a world where speed often reigns supreme, even when it comes to cycling, there’s a quiet revolution happening on the streets of cities worldwide: the rise of slow biking. Let’s face it, opening the pages of any newsstand bicycle magazine, and one is greeted with an overwhelming number of spandex-laden athletes with a need […]

Photo by Maksim Chernishev on Unsplash

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Commentary: Bike lanes increase freedom for all Petalumans

From Petaluma360.com


Gliding down historic D Street, my 4-year-old daughter seated on our cargo bike, a profound sense of joy and freedom strikes me. Our big smiles, the wind in our hair, the elegant homes passing us – nothing beats that feeling. This simple act of riding a bike is liberating.

And I don’t believe our biking bliss should be the exception in Petaluma. As citizens we all pay for our streets. We get to choose what our city will look like and what values it embodies. So let’s build more bike lanes throughout Petaluma, and create a city that our kids can be free in.

Photo by Jasper Garratt on Unsplash

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