Bike the Vote in the November General Election



One of the best ways to pass better laws around active transportation is to elect bike champions. Elected leaders who understand the value of safe streets for people biking, walking, and taking transit are critical allies in our work to bring better biking to all Californians. So, each election cycle, CalBike endorses candidates who we hope will become the next generation of bike-friendly leaders in Sacramento.

We only endorse candidates in tough races or running for open seats. If we don’t have an endorsement for your assemblymember or state senator, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a bike champion; it may just mean that theirs is a safe seat. We generally endorse only candidates for state seats, but we occasionally endorse someone running for a local seat, as is the case with one of our endorsements this year.

Here are nine excellent candidates who we expect to be strong allies in the campaign for safer streets. If you are in one of their districts, please vote for them and share this endorsement. If not, we’ve linked to their websites where you can find other ways to support bike-friendly leadership.

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