7 Reasons Why Bicycles are Perfect for the 15-Minute City

From MomentumMag.com

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In recent years, the notion of the ’15-Minute City’ has emerged as a hopeful idea for urban planners and residents alike, offering a vision of cities that are not only more sustainable but also more livable and accessible. At its core, the concept is elegantly simple: design cities where everything essential to daily life—work, education, recreation, and more—is within a 15-minute reach by walking, biking, or public transit.

Originating from the visionary mind of Paris-based urbanist Carlos Moreno, the 15-minute city embodies the ideal neighborhood where every necessity, from employment to cultural activities, is conveniently close. Paris, under the stewardship of Mayor Anne Hidalgo, has embraced this concept wholeheartedly, setting a shining example for cities worldwide.

While various transportation modes contribute to the realization of the 15-minute city, bicycles stand out as particularly conducive to its principles. Here’s how:

Efficiency in Motion

Bicycles offer a swift and efficient means of transportation, especially for short to medium distances. With dedicated bike lanes and routes, cyclists can navigate through urban landscapes with ease, sidestepping traffic congestion and reaching their destinations swiftly—perfect for the ethos of a 15-minute city.

Photo by Maksim Chernishev on Unsplash

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